
© Dieter Lukas
Corina Logan (she/her)
Senior Researcher
Department of Human Behavior, Ecology and Culture
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
corina_logan [at] eva.mpg.de
Twitter: @LoganCorina
Home | CV | Lab | Ethical publishing
Reviewing Ethics
If I am invited to review an article for a journal and/or publisher that is not aligned with my commitment to conducting rigorous science, I either:
accept the review, write the below text in the Comments to the Authors section, and submit the review. I got this idea from the Peer Reviewers' Openness Initiative and modified it to suit my particular ethics
reject the review and explain why using the text below
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My goal is to ethically conduct and promote rigorous science. I avoid exploiting myself as a scientist, I facilitate equality and diversity by ensuring that no one is discriminated against when reading scientific literature I contribute to, and I keep funds in academia (see my paper (https://f1000research.com/articles/6-518/v2), presentation (https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/256835), and website (http://corinalogan.com/ethics.html) for background). I use the mechanism of transparency to achieve my goal so anyone can evaluate my contributions at every step of the process.
Therefore, I am only willing to review articles that:
1) are going to be published gold open access under a CC-BY license,
2) will publish the review history alongside the article,
3) are submitted to a journal where 100% of the articles are open access, and
4) are submitted to a journal that is published by an academic non-profit organization, or a for-profit corporation that a) has low or no article processing charges, and/or b) heavily invests profits in academia, and/or c) are working to modernize publishing infrastructure for researchers
I am not willing to review this article at this journal because criteria 2-4 are not met, and it is unclear whether criterion 1 is met.
Corina Logan
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
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